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Ember RESTless
RESTless is a lightweight data persistence library for Ember.js.
It is used to communicate with a remote persistence layer (such as a JSON API) and map that data between your client side JavaScript Ember application.
Its goal is to reproduce much of the simple, useful features of ember-data, with a similar API, while remaining lightweight and stable. Transitioning between the two should be possible with minimal effort. The main departure from ember-data is the idea of the 'Store'. Instead, all transactions are executed immediately. This can help alleviate bugs found in regards to syncing the Store with the backend service.
Getting started
Include ember-restless.js from the dist/ folder in your application
RESTless can be referenced either with the namespace RESTless or the shorthand RL. Similar to Ember and Em.
Defining a Client
Similar to defining the 'Store' using ember-data, instead define the REST 'Client' for your application. RESTless will automatically detect the RESTClient on your application namespace. Defining a client is currently optional, and only needed if you would like to provide a custom adapter.
Defining a custom Adapter
Create a custom adapter to set a url to your backend REST service and optionally the namespace. For example, if your REST API is located at
See the Advanced section below for further use of a custom adapter.
Defining Models
Each model you create should extend RL.Model
Supported types are string, number, boolean, and date. With a custom adapter, you can register custom types and transformations.
App.Person=RL.Model.extend({firstName:RL.attr('string'),lastName:RL.attr('string'),birthday:RL.attr('date'),createdAt:RL.attr('date',{readOnly:true});// read-only attributes won't get sent back up to the API.});
One-to-one use the belongsTo attribute helper
One-to-many and many-to-many, use the hasMany helper
Finding records
To find a Post with an id of 1:
To use a query to find:
Find all
Use findAll(), or alternatively use find() and omit parameters
Creating records
Create records like you would a normal Ember Object
varpost=App.Post.create({title:'My First Post',body:'Lorem ipsum...'});
Saving records
To save a record to the REST service call: saveRecord() RESTless will automatically POST to save a new record, or PUT to update and existing record
post.set('title','My Very First Post');post.saveRecord();
Deleting records
Will tell the REST service to delete the record, then destroy the object
Both saveRecord and deleteRecord return Promises, allowing you to do the following:
varpost=App.Post.create();post.saveRecord().done(function(){//Show success message in UI}).fail(function(){//Show error message in UI}).always(function(){//Refresh the view});
Model lifecycle
RESTless supports most of the lifecycle states and events of ember-data. All model objects have the following properties added:
- isLoaded: Record(s) have been retrieved from REST service
- isDirty: The record has local changes that have not yet been saved remotely
- isSaving: Record is in the process of saving to the backend
- isNew: Record has been created but not yet saved remotely
- isError: Record has been attempted to be saved, updated, or deleted but the backend returned an error
Additionally, you can subscribe to events that are fired during the lifecycle
- didLoad
- didCreate
- didUpdate
- becameError
post.on('didCreate',function(){console.log('post created!');});
Custom transforms
You can use a custom adapter to add custom transforms:
App.RESTAdapter.registerTransform('formattedDate',{deserialize:function(serialized){//return custom date string},serialize:function(deserialized){//return custom date json format}});
Custom plurals configuration
You can use a custom adapter to set irregular plural resource names
Read-only attributes
Make attributes 'read-only', which will exclude them from being serialized into the json sent to your service when saving.
Building RESTless
Uses node.js and Grunt
Coming soon.
Example App
Coming soon.